17 February 2009

Katie and Brandon

it was first over a cup of my favorite coffee, that we met katie & brandon. carlie & katie hit it off immediately, both holding a particular dress maker in high esteem, while brandon & i shared surf stories. it couldn't have been a better match.

and as their engagement winds down, drawing closer to the big wedding, katie & brandon, and carlie & i, stepped out on a wintry orange county day for their engagement shoot. although we had plans for a particular location, we immediately changed course as a light rain began to fall. to the east, the sky appeared ominously dark, and brandon claimed to have noticed a patch of sun shining over south county.

so, we jumped in brandon's fj, and made our way towards that patch of sun. the following good times were what followed...
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thanks katie & brandon! we can't wait for your big day later this year... and we hope it isn't long before we have the opportunity to share life over pizza & beer like we did last sunday ;)

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